How to fix a 'Gateway not reporting' system error message?

Last updated 3 months ago by Tom Rendle

4 minute read

Reconnecting Your Gateway to Wi-Fi

Has your system stopped reporting data? Has your Internet Wi-Fi password or provider changed? Start here to get your system back up and running.

Step 1

If you have changed your Internet Service Provider, network password, or even updated your network name, this can disconnect you from the Gateway. Let's walk through the steps to re-establish the network connection using the Enphase App, which will require you to use a device such as a tablet, or a smartphone that is already connected to your home's Wi-Fi. You will also need the password for your home's Wi-Fi connection.

Steps to Get Your Gateway Back Online

  1. Open the Enphase App on your iOS or Android mobile device and tap on the ‘Menu’ tab at the bottom of the screen.
    Enphase Dashboard

  2. Tap on the bell icon at the top right of the screen.
  3. Click the link on the 'Gateway Not Reporting' notice.
  4. Bring your phone into the Wi-Fi range of Gateway and follow the steps mentioned on the ‘Reconnect to Gateway’ page in the Enphase App. For your reference, the steps to follow have also been elaborated below:

    • Step 4a: Press the AP mode button:

    • Do not hold, but just briefly press and release the Gateway menu button. This will enable AP mode (access point mode) on your Gateway which creates a wireless network you can join with your smartphone. 
Note that if you see a solid green LED next to the Cell phone icon, it means AP mode is successfully enabled, and you may proceed to the next step.

  1. If the AP mode LED next to the cell phone icon flashes green, it means WPS pairing has been initiated, which we do not want at this time. Please wait for the WPS pairing to timeout in two minutes and then repeat step 1.

  2. Step 4b: Turn off mobile data:

  3. Navigate to your phone settings without closing the Enphase App. Turn off the mobile data (cellular data) from your mobile device settings. Go to Settings > Mobile Data and switch it off.

  4. Step 4c: Join Gateway’s network:

  5. Join the Gateway’s network using your phone's Wi-Fi settings. Navigate to the Wi-Fi settings and look for the Gateway’s wireless network. The network name will include the last six digits of your Gateway’s serial number. In this case: Envoy_029655 is the name of the network.
    Join Network

  6. Step 4d: Connect Gateway to home Wi-Fi:

  7. After you have joined the Gateway’s network, return to the Enphase App’s “Reconnect to Gateway” screen. Scroll down to see the "Configure home Wi-Fi" option and tap on it.

  8. Note that the “Configure Home Wi-Fi" box may appear grey initially; wait for a few seconds and when it turns blue, tap on it.

  9. Select your home network from the list of available networks on the pop-up that appears.
    Choose Network

  10. Enter your Wi-Fi password and tap on Connect.
    Enter Password

  11. Wait for the connection between the Gateway and the Home Wi-Fi to establish. This may take a few minutes.
    Wait for connection

  12. Connection established: Once the connection is established you will see a message “Gateway is connected to Wi-Fi successfully”. You may now connect your mobile device to your Wi-Fi or enable your mobile data.

  13. Final Step: Tap on “OK, got it”. Your Gateway has been successfully connected to your Wi-Fi network. You may still see “Gateway is Not Reporting” status under Notices; please note it may take up to 30 minutes for the status to get updated.

Check if the Connection was Successful

Once the connection is established, check the LED indicator next to the cloud icon on your Gateway. If the LED lights up solid green, you're back online. Congratulations!

Your system now needs to re-sync, which can take anywhere from an hour to a few days depending on how long your system was offline.

If your Gateway is still offline, you will see the screen as shown below. You can tap on “Try again” and repeat the troubleshooting steps.

Why Don't I See My Production Data Even After Reconnecting?

Don't worry if you don't see your production data or the top light of the Gateway is red, even after reconnecting your Gateway back to the internet. It takes some time for the backed-up data to sync up with the Enphase Cloud. Typically, it takes about 1 hour for each day of your Gateway being offline. For example, if your Gateway was offline for 30 days your system should fully sync up in about 30 hours.