Through the Canadian Federal Government's Greener Homes Loan and Grant program home owners can go solar without the hassle of searching for good financing rates.
Go To WebsiteGet solar on your home with 0% financing over ten years with the Canada Greener Homes Loan (CGHL).
The Canada Greener Homes Loan is a federal government initiative that provides homeowners with a loan of up to $40,000 to help make their homes more energy-efficient. The loan is interest-free and can be used to finance a variety of energy-efficient home improvements, including solar panels, heat pumps, and insulation. The loan is repayable over 10 years, and homeowners can apply for it through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
Schedule a pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation of your home with an energy advisor. They will evaluate your home and make recommendations on how to make it more energy efficient.
Log in to your Canada Greener Homes account and click on the button to access the loan portal. To submit your application, you will have to upload documentation to the loan portal, such as:
We take care of everything:
Contact your service organization to request a Post-Retrofit EnerGuide evaluation. An energy advisor will evaluate the impact of your improvements and provide you with an updated EnerGuide label.
The energy advisor will update the information related to your final evaluation in the grant portal including the estimates of your final grant amount. You will also have to upload all your final invoices/receipts to the grant portal and receipts for the retrofits to the loan portal. The loan amount will be reviewed again based on the actual cost of the completed retrofits, less the recommended grant amount. The final approved loan amount will be deposited into your bank account (less the initial advance, if you received one) within 10 days.
The quickest way to get a quote is to fill in our contact form.
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