15.0 kW DC - Coldbrook

Installed April 25 2024, 5 months ago
15.0 kW DC | 11.4 kW AC | 1.32 Ratio


Total Production

8,123 kWh


Best Day Ever | 16 June 2024

92.68 kWh


View Day

Average Day

56.34 kWh

$9.80 a day for 143 days

Up Time

100.00% Uptime

Updated about 13 hours Ago

Assumes: $0.17/kWh import rate


Total lifetime energy

16th percentile

Yesterday's energy

81st percentile

Yesterday's Efficiency

37th percentile

Last week's energy

83rd percentile

Last week's Efficiency

39th percentile

Last month's energy

79th percentile

Last month's Efficiency

23rd percentile
Watts Up Solar maintains a database of real energy performance from our installations, made available to inform and engage the public about the benefits of renewable energy. We utilize this performance data in our proposal software to ensure accurate system sizing and performance estimates in a one of a kind process. We hope that our technology can provide valuable insights and empower informed decision-making about renewable energy investments.