TIER-1 Solar Panel Reality

Last updated 3 months ago by Tom Rendle

2 minute read

Understanding the Concept of "Tier-1" Solar Panels

Firstly, it's important to clarify a common misconception in the solar industry - the term "Tier-1". Despite its frequent use, it's not a definitive measure of a solar panel's quality. If you're seeking a simple, clear-cut categorization of solar panels, you might be disappointed. Let's delve a little deeper.

What Does "Tier-1" Really Mean?

The term "Tier-1" was coined by Bloomberg, but it doesn't necessarily reflect the quality or performance of the solar panel. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Financial Criteria:

    • The "Tier-1" label is based on financial criteria, not on audits of manufacturing facilities or product quality. As such, the list of "Tier-1" solar panel manufacturers can change every quarter.
  2. Not a Lifelong Guarantee:

    • The "Tier-1" label isn't a lifelong guarantee. It's not a quality guideline, and Bloomberg isn't a testing institute.
  3. Quality Audits:

    • Some audits have found that solar panels from "Tier-1" manufacturers didn't meet their nameplate value under Standard Test Conditions right out of the box.
  4. Product Defects:

    • Manufacturers rated as "Tier-1" due to high volume production have been found to have more product defects.
  5. Misleading Assurance:

    • While "Tier-1" might sound impressive, it's not a reliable gauge of quality. It's often used to give buyers confidence in a less expensive product. However, the reality can be an underperforming product that doesn't live up to expectations.
The Takeaway

Be a savvy shopper. Look beyond the "Tier-1" label when choosing your solar panels. Quality and performance matter more than a manufacturer's financial status in a particular quarter.